Update: Proof of Vaccination For Those Aged 12 And Upwards

As of Monday 13th December, fully vaccinated patients aged 12 and upwards can request proof of vaccination via 119 or the internet and a paper copy will be posted which conforms to the EU standards for the EU covid pass. There will be a QR code printed for each vaccine and it will have a validity period of 30 days. The document may need to be ordered again if a foreign trip is planned after the date of expiry. If aged 16 or over, patients can get a digital pass via the NHS app as well. This route isn’t open to 12–15-year-olds yet but a digital solution should be available in the new year we’ve heard today.

To get the pass look here: www.nhs.uk/covid-pass and the direct link to get the paper copy is here: www.nhs.uk/get-your-covid-pass-letter