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Infection control statement

Infection annual control statement

We aim to keep the surgery clean and tidy, and to offer a safe environment for all our staff, patients and carers.

Our GPs and nurses follow procedures to make sure that the treatment of our patients and the clinical equipment used meets infection control and safety standards guidance.

The practice encourage staff and patients to raise any issues or report any significant incidents relating to cleanliness and infection control. If any arise then the practice team meet to discuss and identify improvements we can make to avoid any future problems.

This annual statement will be generated each year in January. The following will be reviewed:

  • Details of any infection control audits undertaken and actions taken
  • Details of any infection control risk assessments undertaken
  • Details of staff training
  • Any review and update of policies, procedures and guidelines


The practice lead for infection, prevention and control is practice nurse Judith Deehan.

Significant events

In the past year there has been one significant event raised relating to infection control.


Monthly audits are carried out with regard to surgery cleanliness.

We will continue to notify patients of any seasonal outbreaks via our website and posters in the surgery. We continue to enforce to all clinical and non-clinical staff that hand hygiene is the single most effective method of preventing cross infection and recommend everyone washes their hands or use an alcoholic gel regularly.

Risk assessments

Risk assessments are carried out so that best practice can be established and then followed up. In the last year a number of risk assessments were carried out.


Toys that cannot be cleaned easily are a clear infection risk to our patients. Due to the onerous task of cleaning each item after each child had played with a toy in the waiting room it was decided that no toys would be available in the waiting room. We would still encourage parents to bring their own toys.


The surgery has various curtains and blinds, both at the windows and in consulting rooms as modesty screens to be used around couches during examinations. The  NHS Cleaning Specifications state the curtains should be cleaned or if using disposable curtains, replaced every 6 months. The surgery choose to use disposable curtains.


A Legionella risk assessment is carried as required by Derbyshire Community Health Services Foundation Trust

Guide dogs and hearing dogs

Guide dogs are catered for, but it is essential that all areas that the dog has been in are cleaned immediately. The cleaner is informed to do a thorough deep clean at the end of that day.

Cleaning cloths

The surgery has introduced a more stringent cleaning regime and now using colour coded cloths and mops. This further reduces the risk of cross contamination.

Staff training

The infection prevention team at Derbyshire Community Health Services provide infection prevention inspection and ensure all our staff are up to date with infection prevention training.

If you have any concerns about cleanliness or infection control, please report this to the practice manager.

Page published: 4 September 2024
Last updated: 4 September 2024