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Teaching and training practice

We are a training and teaching practice. We are also approved to provide a ‘hub and spoke’ clinical supervision in close working arrangement with Castle street medical centre. Doctors in training (GP registrars) and medical students from University of Sheffield will now be present at the practice from time to time.

We teach junior medical students who spend most of their time learning about common problems in general practice along with opportunities to discuss relevant clinical scenarios with consented patients. We are very grateful for the support of our patients with this very successful programme.

GP Registrars are fully qualified doctors who are undergoing training to become GPs. They will be trained and supervised by our GPs. During a registrar’s time within practice, a major part of their training is in developing an understanding of a range of primary care conditions and improving their consultation skills.

With the consent of an individual patient or carer, there will be occasional video recording of patient consultations in order to discuss their style and any issues with their GP trainer. Patients who consent to have their consultations recorded can be assured of strict confidentiality and that once reviewed, the recording will be erased. Dr Salako and Rachael Carter both ensures smooth provision of medical training and teaching at the practice.